Thursday, August 13, 2009


I have some visitor tracking thing on the right margin of my page and noticed that I did not have a visitor other than me or somebody else in Columbus for at least a week straight. So today I started to put labels into each of my previous post and within 5 minutes I had people visit my blog from at least 10 different countries! Yes, I am sometimes not too bright with things like that... but now I see the light.
Update: Actually I don't think those were real people rather google-bots - lame

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

57th - 92nd piece (just kidding)

These are for a future piece I'm doing. Each piece is going to have a screw adhered with epoxy in the back then installed on a wall with three separate clusters like this one seen here.

54th - 56th piece

These are three bats I made last month. They are all made from white ash. The one with the Major League taper lasted less that 30 pitches - that's what happens when you get jammed with a super light bat.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

53rd piece

I made some sketches for a future project. These are the first and third. If anyone has ideas for making these look more like flames your help is much appreciated. Also, this red is the only color I had to work with - again any ideas are much appreciated.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

41st piece

I usually don't glaze my pieces but this glaze does exactly what I want - the majority of my porcelain pieces are salt fired.

40th post

older stuff

Monday, March 9, 2009

39th piece

several weeks ago I was drinking a heineken and realized that we had the same green color glass in the pot furnace so I decided to try and make a beer bottle. I drink water out of it while I am at work. I have to admit it is kinda weird drinking out of a beer bottle at work.

some older pieces

These pieces are pretty recent but were not done this calender-year. I am shooting the pieces in my new photo tent/cube I just bought. It's great for smaller pieces.